
Michele Mendoza

What resilience *really* is

Published 8 months ago • 2 min read

"The aim isn't to escape from discomfort; it's about discovering how to connect with the discomfort in a way that lets you maintain your sense of self & uphold your values, even when things are tough."

-Michele Mendoza

Many of us embark on the personal development and healing journey as a response to the emotional distress we have experienced in our lives. If you’re anything like I was, you probably thought (or think) that knowing how to do things differently would alleviate suffering, enhance your well-being, and consistently make you feel better.

We often assume that our emotional struggles and suffering stem from personal inadequacy or not enough-ness. However, what often eludes our awareness is the intricate interplay between our emotional state and the narratives we construct about ourselves, especially concerning difficult times, periods of emotional lows, and loneliness. More often than not, it’s not the emotional state we’re in or the events in our lives but the meaning we assign to unfortunate events that derail us.

The way we speak to ourselves is deeply rooted in our formative years. The stories we tell ourselves and our emotional responses to stressful events are a product of how we were treated, what we saw modeled, and the beliefs we formed about ourselves, our emotions, and the external world.

Unfortunately for us, these early experiences lay the groundwork for recurring relational patterns and our emotional and mental health.

The problem is, though, that as human beings, we are universally exposed to adversity, discomfort, and loneliness. These experiences are inherent in life, and we cannot escape them, so striving to eliminate them is like striving to play better golf by practicing tennis. It'll never alleviate the suffering if we continue to wish for the events to go disappear.

Stressful times DO NOT signify personal failing. It's normal to have emotional responses arise during trying phases of life, and there is nothing wrong with us for having feelings around uncomfortable, distressful times.

👉But what you can get better at navigating is your relationship to these moments.

Shifting our internal dialogue and altering how we view ourselves in the face of life's trials is a skill worth cultivating when we want to live a happier life.

The capacity to maintain a deep connection with our authentic selves and uphold our core values despite adversity is vital for growth, transformation, and healing. It facilitates learning, fosters growth, and provides solace during challenging times.

It creates resilience.

🧡And resilience is needed because the most profound suffering often emerges from the conviction of our own brokenness.

My goal in being here as your guide, your coach, and your mentor is to guide you in reconnecting with your inherent strength and goodness amidst life's adversities.

So, if you’re ready and willing to join me for my program, “From Pain to Power,” I want to remind you that doors close on Thursday, August 31 at 12:00 am midnight PST

I really hope to see you there!

Peace, love & progress,


Michele Mendoza

I help empower women to cultivate emotional maturity to develop a greater sense of self, build healthier relationships and develop the skills to navigate life’s most difficult challenges through workshops, community, and coaching. Follow along and join the ride…better every day: small steps, big progress. Join my online community here 👇

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